Beam your data down from the cloud.
The tools you use to run your business live on the cloud. They’re fast, easy, and affordable. But your data is out of reach. Each platform or service is a silo, completely isolated from everything. Enterprise wide reporting, analytics, and business intelligence seem impossible.
Bring all your data back down to earth with Paasporter.
Paasporter transforms your SaaS and PaaS data into indexed, normalized, and optimized SQL. Open up a whole new world of reporting options.
- Use any tool that speaks SQL: Tableau, Power BI, Hyperion
- Correlate data from multiple sources: Bring accounting, marketing, and ERP data together
- Avoid expernsive integration: Forget about platform specific APIs
No Coding Required
With Paasporter, extracting your data is as easy as picking your platform and choosing the data you need. We do the rest. Push the data to your own server or let us spin one up for you.